Are We There Yet?

A travel survival guide for parents, by a parent

Welcome! If you’re here, you’re probably a parent, and one who has traveled with their kids.

Which means you likely exist in one of two camps.

Camp A: You hated it and never want to do it again.

Camp B: You hated it but want to like it.

If neither sounds applicable, congratulations, I envy you. But more often than not, I’m not you.

I’m Emily. I’m a travel writer and editor, and parent to a 4-year-old and a 19-month-old. I’ve always loved to travel and making it part of my career was life changing. But once I had kids, travel looked different. A lot different. I’m guessing it also did for you.

I won’t be using photos of my kids’ faces in any stories I write. I hope you can understand. My handsome husband, on the other hand, is fair game — and gave his consent.

We aren’t meant to parent alone. Just as we need support, encouragement, and resources in life, so do we in travel.

This newsletter should feel like texting in a group chat with trusted parent friends, sharing tips on family-friendly places to go that parents will actually like, gear you should stash in your carry-on, and insider tips to make travel easier, fun, and more affordable — almost like it used to be.

Here’s what you might find in each newsletter:

  • Quick inspiration for kid-friendly, parent-approved places to go that you can read in the rare seconds between work, school, after-school practice, making dinner, and bedtime. Think hotels, destinations, and things to do.

  • Real talk about the things that make travel challenging with kids, and what to do about it.

  • Vetted products, tips, and hacks whether you’re surviving a flight, road trip, or theme park day.

  • Reading material: As a professional travel writer, I’ll share my recent work plus call for pitches for new stories I’m working on where we can collaborate.

And more! Who knows. The best travel is unexpected and open for exploration and I hope this will be, too. If there’s something specific you want to see or know about, let me know. I’d love to make this as useful as possible, and please invite your parent friends to subscribe!

Talk + travel soon,